Viral video: Students create 'invisibility sweater' to hide from AI cameras, netizens say 'so ugly'

2022-12-20 11:22:28 By : Mr. Mison Wong

Reported By:| Edited By: DNA WEB TAEM |Source: DNA Web Desk |Updated: Nov 21, 2022, 06:41 PM IST

Although invisibility cloaks have long been the stuff of fantasy, they may soon become a reality. Researchers at the University of Maryland, College Park have created a functional "invisibility cloak" with the help of Facebook AI. It turns out the cloak is a sweater, and it's bright colours make you invisible to machines.

Gagadget claims that the research team used adversarial patterns on the sweater to fool typical object detectors into thinking the person wasn't there. Wearing the sweater makes the person practically "invisible" to AI people detectors.

Despite the fact that the developers' first goal was to identify vulnerabilities in machine learning systems, they ended up with a pattern that can't be detected by AI scanners on textiles. This sweater made by the University of Maryland uses "adversarial patterns" to become an invisibility cloak against AI, according to a test video shared on Reddit.

According to the University of Maryland website, "Most work on real-world adversarial attacks has focused on classifiers, which assign a holistic label to an entire image, rather than detectors which localize objects within an image. Detectors work by considering thousands of 'priors' (potential bounding boxes) within the image with different locations, sizes, and aspect ratios. To fool an object detector, an adversarial example must fool every prior in the image, which is much more difficult than fooling the single output of a classifier."

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Technicality aside, this post on reddit has generated lots of attention. On reddit user commented, “too bad we're running out of grandmas to make us holiday sweaters... zoomers gonna have a hard time.” Another User commented, “I mean. invisibility seems a bit pushing it. The camera is still recognising him, just not 100%.” Another commented, “Grandma got ran over by a Tesla. This and many more hits coming soon, now that's what I call Christmas 22.”

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